District History

District History

1722 -- Town of Barrington is incorporated.
1740 -- Town settlements occur. Population-50 people.
1817 -- Town Population-3,564. Barrington is identified as one of the three largest towns in New Hampshire.
1870 -- Town Population decreases to 1,500 because of the advent of the Industrial Revolution.

1874 -- "There are fifteen schools in town. The average length of schools for the year is sixteen weeks; the amount of money appropriated for school purposes, $1658.56" (Fogg, The Statistics and Gazetteer of New Hampshire, 1874)

These schools are scattered throughout the town. Their names include: Canaan School, Hale School, Chapel School, Oak Hill School, Pond Hill School, Town Farm School, Waldron's Hill School, Winkley School, Wood Road School.

1899 -- In the annual School Report, signed by G.B. Haley and W.E. Waterhouse they stated: "While we realize the financial condition of the town, we feel that it's poor economy to defraud our children of schooling, and not raising extra money for schools is a disgrace to the town, for which the majority of the voters are to blame."

1938 -- Barrington School is completed on Route 9 at Province Lane on 5.48 acres. First day in the new building is Sept. 19th

1955 -- Barrington School first floor addition is completed
1959 -- School operating budget is $77,467
1965 -- Barrington School second floor addition is completed.
1970 -- Town Population--1,965
1975 -- Barrington Middle School is built east of Town Hall building (2.92 acres) on Province Lane on 6.31 acres
1980 -- Town Population--4,404 (124% increase over the past ten years
1982 -- Grades 1-8 Enrollment--552 students
1988 -- Grades 1-8 Enrollment--641 students
1990 -- Barrington Elementary School is built on Rt. 125 on 28.3 acres for $2.9 M
1990 -- Town Population--6,164 (40% increase over the past ten years)
1992 -- Grades 1-8 Enrollment--761 students
1994 -- Barrington Elementary School addition is completed for $865,000
1996 -- School Administrative Unit #74 officially begins
1997 -- Grades 1-8 Enrollment--884 students
1999 -- Barrington Kindergarten Building is completed on the grounds of the Elementary School
2000 -- Town Population--7,475 (21% increase over the past ten years)
2000 -- Grades K-8 Enrollment--958 students

2001 -- Voters consider new Middle School for Grades 5-8; 58.51% approve--60% needed; falls short by 29 votes; School operating budget exceeds $10 million for the first time

2001 -- Voters approve the purchase of 120 acres of land on Route 9 from Dwight and Shirley Haley for $300,000; this land would be used to build the new middle school and eventually could also be used to build a high school

2002 -- Voters reconsider new Middle School for Grades 5-8; project passes in March with 60.4% in favor;
wins by 8 votes

2002 -- Barrington Taxpayers Association formed; in July the group petitions for a Special School District Meeting to overturn the Middle School project; group's efforts are not successful

2002 -- Barrington's population is ranked as the 37th largest municipality in NH; it ranks in the top 16%
within the state

2003 -- Construction on new 112,000 SF Middle School begins on Rt. 9 120-acre property purchased in
November 2001

2004 -- New Middle School opens for students in Grades 5-8; the district's operating budget is $13.8 million

2004 -- Revaluation of property takes place and raises the town's total property value from $383,391,972 to $793,243,599

2006 -- Barrington continues to grow. Population approaches 8,500 residents. Total property value is set at $905,315,770. High School population is 489 students.

2008 -- Population approaches 8,700 residents. Total property value is set at $929,323,953; High School population is 469. Operating budget of $17,737,546 for 2009-2010 is approved. Capital Reserve Fund for High School construction reaches $600,000.

2009 -- Early Childhood Learning Center (ECLC) established in "old" middle school on Province Lane; Pre-K Enrollment - 49 Operating budget of $17,945,490 for 2010-2011 is approved.

2010 -- Phase II of renovations to the ECLC are completed with the addition of Kindergarten classrooms (half-day program); enrollment Pre-K and Kindergarten - 133 students "Old" Kindergarten building at BES being used for Grade 1 classrooms.

2010 -- SAU 74 District offices move into two rooms at the ECLC; Town discussion begins on remediation and renovation to town office building.

2012 - SAU 74 offices located in ECLC expanded to include one additional room; renovations and upgrades to ECLC administrative office completed.

2013 - Voters consider bond vote to renovate Town/School office building located on Ramsdell Lane; not supported by voters.

2013 - Full-day Kindergarten initiated in Barrington. ECLC has 5 classrooms for full-day Kindergarten and 2 classrooms for half-time preschool program (4 sessions). Annex building at BES (old Kindergarten building) being used for School Board and Town committee meetings in addition to a Professional Development meeting room and OT/Title I. (All student classrooms are now located in the main building of the elementary school).

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