Title I

Title 1 Signup

For more information on Title 1 Services contact Kristy Croft, Reading/Writing Specialist

Barrington Elementary Schools is participating in the federally-funded Title I Targeted Assistance Program. This program provides financial resources for supplemental academic programming in order to ensure that all of our students meet the State’s challenging content and performance standards. (More information about Title I can be found on the  NHED Website)

Based on a thorough review of academic data, Barrington Elementary School determined that our Title 1 funds 
would focus on reading growth and achievement. Learners identified as needing additional support in reading may be receiving one or more of the following academic interventions from our Reading Specialist, Reading Interventionist or Reading Tutors:
  • One on one instruction during Success Block
  • Small group instruction during Success Block: focused on either foundational skill building or literacy curriculum support 
  • In-class support during Literacy Block


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